Original artwork is the life blood of the artist – an element of their soul – a part of my being. A one-of-a-kind artwork will make your space uniquely yours unlike the retail art. Original artworks have depth – literally – bringing depth and texture that fill a room more powerfully. Hopefully, you will talk to the artist, hear their story behind the artwork, and understand the feeling behind it. Through the process you will forge a deeper personal connection between you and the artwork you buy.
“Mysterious” by Rachael Newman Original Painting
“Patience” by Rachael Newman Original Painting
“Meditation” by Rachael Newman Original Painting
“Undisturbed” by Rachael Newman Original Painting
“Lull” by Rachael Newman Original Painting
“Uncharted” by Rachael Newman Original Painting
“Radiant” by Rachael Newman Original Painting
“Another World” by Rachael Newman – Original Painting
“Gentle Surf” by Rachael Newman Original Painting

I have often been told that I have vast interests, but for me it comes down to a few much simpler components: nature, water, creativity, and solitude.